Monday, March 15, 2010

we didn’t break any rules

I’ve got like 0 time today. We went to an island as a zone and we just got home. We all got on the boat and then realized that the schedule said that he wouldn’t be returning until 4 hours later. So... we had a lot of time to play soccer and Frisbee on the beach... and have a picnic. It was GREAT!!! But, our p-day time has been sucked away. It was super fun running around without shoes on and getting our feet wet on the walk in. Don’t worry... we didn’t break any rules. It was our zone activity... so we had a great attendance and time. I might have burnt my legs because they NEVER get sun... but I’m kind of happy about that.

We baptized this week!!!! His name is Aureliano Sànchez. He is a wonderful old man of 75. He is the youngest 75 year old man I’ve seen. He reminds me a lot of Patrick Stewart. He looks old, but acts young. He jumps from buses and runs after motorcycles to get on. He is really cool. His baptism was amazing too. We had dirty/cold water again (It is a Villa Zula thing), but he didn’t even notice. We were able to visit him with a member, so they became great friends. It worked out perfectly! So the member was able to baptize him. For all of you who served missions... you’ll understand that it is way better that way. Anyway... in his baptism... 6 of his 15 kids came. When he came out of the water he raised his hands into the air in praise and bowed his head in prayer. It reminded me a lot of the Alma father story... and Joseph Smith’s baptism. Then during the confirmation he raised his hands up and said "Yes" after we told him "receive the Holy Ghost". It was amazing see someone so close to God receive such amazing ordinances. Elder Villarroel and I found and taught him together. He loves us and the gospel... and his family has seen him change and his desires to do good. Saturday and Sunday were GREAT days.

I also went on intercamios with the Zone Leaders. I traveled really far to the Berisso apartment... a whole 5 blocks away. Our areas share the same church building. They are both branches and the Stake President wants to make them one ward. If that happens (this transfer) there is a high possibility that they will shut down Villa Zula as an area and make it one with Berisso... That might mean that next transfer I go to Berisso... and finish there. Our Zone Leader thinks that it will happen. If that does happen... I’ll have a total of about a year and a quarter in the same area. HAHA, how funny and wonderful would that be.

Anyway... I’m off... I don’t have much time... but know that I’m happy. I’m working hard and doubling the work that we’re doing here. The mission has a goal to double the baptisms... so we are doubling our work... and we have already doubled it this transfer... and are still going up. I’m excited to see so much success.

Love you all,

PS I know some are asking.. I’m not trunky. I admit that I think of home often... but I am not stopping to breathe. My feet are killing me and my body hurts a lot. But my joy is full.

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