Monday, April 5, 2010

Did you realize Im a Zone Leader? I went to my first Jedi Council EVER! It was fun.

This was a way long week. We did so many things that I don't know where to start. Hmm... let me explain some more about my companion and the pinch (apartment). Elder Chatwin is one of my favorite people ever... he is fun and crazy all at the same time. He teaches and testifies powerfully and has a strong desire to share the gospel. But at the same time he is totally wak! We laugh almost all day. Our personalities blend perfectly together. In our pinch there are four elders. One of them is brand new and on his second day in the country (my third day as companions with Elder Chatwin) he asked me how long we had been companions. He was shocked beyond words to hear that we had only been together for 3 days. The truth is that it feels like a month ago that I last wrote you... but in that monthly-week, Elder Chatwin and I have become great friends. I respect and love him until the end.

Our pinch is a huge old dirty house. It has two levels. They are separate and the only way to get from upstairs to down is by the stairs on the side. The upstairs hosts 2 elders: Elder Day and his new companion Elder Taylor. Downstairs we find the Zone Leaders and a mess of old objects left by all the missionaries who went home. The Zone Leaders have lived in this pinch for about 5 years straight... and never have time to clean or anything. Elder Chatwin has lived in the pinch multiple times and said that he has never seen the place cleaned. Needless to say I’ve spent long hours scrubbing and washing EVERYTHING. I thought about taking pictures to send you all but then realized that I don't want to scare you... nor do I want memories. The place is fairly clean now though. We have a couch too!!! I would not call it sanitary though, but there is a couch. OH, and a dog! She belongs to the owner of the house. My first question was who feeds her... and my companion told me that he has wondered that for over a year. She is cute and small and deaf. She reminds me of an uglier Violet.

This week we really started to pump up our work. The elder that I replaced just went home. And his last transfer he wasn't able to baptize. Elder Chatwin said that he didn't want to go home like that... so we have been working our tails off to baptize every week. We couldn't do it this week because of conference, but next week yes and the week after also. I love the ward. Our area is TINY. It is about 10 square blocks. It is so small, but full of humble people. WONDERFUL and humble people. There are no large buildings or restaurants or anything. We can’t live in our area because there is no place to rent. There is also this huge field that is technically our area... but there are only cows. The members are great and want to help us. It is obvious that they all have their problems as well... but they all want to help. I love righteous people!!! (not to say that I don’t love the non-righteous people).

Conference was amazing also. It was the first one I could watch all 4 sessions of during the mission. I loved it terribly. Elder Holland was wonderfully blunt again. Elder Bednar spoke to my soul again. And all the other talks were perfect. A lot of hidden talent. I was surprised at the family theme that was apparently not planned for according to Elder Anderson. I was able to watch most of it in English too. In Spanish it just isn’t the same. Some of the speakers do their talks in Spanish beforehand and we can hear their voice... but it isn’t the same. I love to hear the expressions and feelings of the people.

I had someone kind of give me bit of grief about not being straight up with you all. I am not only with the Zone Leader... but I am one too. For some crazy reason the President has asked me to be a Zone Leader... It is craziness... but I’ve accepted and am working hard to be the zone leader I always wanted. So I’ve been somewhat scatter brained recently. I apologize if I’m a little out of it from now till the end of the mission. I’ve got a lot on my mind.

In any case... I know that I love you all. I miss you and pray for you. Have fun this week.

Elder Tommy Steinkuhler

PS It is getting cold.

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