Monday, July 20, 2009

Staying in Villa Zula for my 5th transfer and TRAINING!

WOW!!! WHAT A WEEK! I'm changing companions again... the president came for a day... miracles have been working their way into my area... I cannot express to you all how grateful I am for our Savior Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven.

Last Monday was long and Tuesday seemed even longer because we knew that President Asay was going to come the next day. Really, just one of those feelings like you are waiting for your death sentence. When we got home on Tuesday President Asay was already waiting for us. And it started!!! The best 24 hours of my life.

On Wednesday we woke up on time and the president was already showered and dressed. We then got ready and studied like normal. We planned and everything. Then took photos and left. It was a really spiritual morning. There is something about being around a man who knows the majority of the quorum of the twelve. The whole day was really a spiritual experience.

We taught a few less active people in the morning and then investigators in the afternoon. All went really well. It was amazing to see how he reflected EVERYTHING back to The Book of Mormon and prayer. It was amazing how powerfully he spoke and the influence he had on people I’ve been teaching for 6 months. He changed those people in 10 minutes more than I’ve done in 6 months. It was amazing. Truly a humbling experience. He complimented us on all the things we do well and helped us improve ourselves in the things we lack. From the way he was acting, I was expecting us to stay together for a long time.

Turns out that on Saturday... when the phone rang and we received the transfer news, it was nothing like we though. My companion, Elder Villagra, who is probably my favorite companion so far... left me. Well, he left very reluctantly. And I am staying in Villa Zula for my 5th transfer and WILL BE TRAINING!!!! I still don’t believe it. In some MTC in the world, my next companion is getting ready to come here. I’ll find out who it is in about 24 hours. Currently I’m companion-less and walking the streets of Argentina solo. Well it is either that or Elder Bogarin and I are chilling together for a day. He is from Paraguay and came into the mission with me. We`ll be rocking it up in his area because mine is an 8 hour round trip and his is about 30 minutes. I figure we can find something constructive to do with those 7 and a half hours.

That is really the big news. I don’t know what else to say about my week. It was a wonderful week. Absolutely wonderful. I learned things like I was in the MTC again AND applied them. We had an appointment yesterday with a family I’ve been teaching for 6 months. The daughter is inactive and is 20 years old. She loves the missionaries but has never said anything kind to me. After a lovely appointment that included a little bit of cane dropping, she told me thanks... and that I was a capo (roughly translated to stud). By the end of the lesson she not only had the desire to read for the Book of Mormon every day and to pray... but also to pray about whether or not a mission was the right decision for her. I love what the president taught us. Now I just need to teach that to my new companion.

I don’t know if you all can tell... but I’m kind of freaking out. As much as I don’t like asking for it, I could really use some prayers.

I almost forgot, I had some questions about the food here. The food here is NOT like Mexico. There is no spice whatsoever. The most common foods are meat, empenadas, pizza, pastas and MATÈ. Empenadas are kind of like burritos and matè is a type of tea that everyone drinks. Anyway, I’m out of time... but if anyone has more questions about culture or what-have you... ask me.

All my love,
Elder Tommy Steinkuhler

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