Monday, June 29, 2009

Imagine it in Spanish

Well, I'm sorry to report that the baptism did not go through this week... but happy to say it will be going through THIS week. This Sunday was Election Day. Here in Argentina, everyone has to vote or send in a good reason why they are not voting (like my companion). So we decided to push the date back to a more tranquil day. This Saturday we will be baptizing Jorge and he will receive the Holy Ghost on Sunday. It really has been amazing to see him progress the way he has.

Well, now that things have settled down... I’ll tell you all the complete truth. Last week when I said that people were getting sick... I really meant to say that EVERYONE was sick, including all 4 elders that live in our apartment. But we are all better now. Well, not perfect, but better. People keep on telling me I sound like Christian Bale as Batman. I started doing some of the lines and people were freaking out. Needless to say, my voice is a lot deeper right now and my wheezy laugh is back in full force.

Due to that sickness that everyone had, we needed to work twice as hard to meet our goals... and we did. It really is amazing how God takes care of you when you are doing what he wants. When you put the faith out there in full force... he always completes. We have been helping people progress and have been finding people... even in this cold winter land (which I love). Today it rained even... I LOVED IT!!!! It started last night with lightning and thunder. It is a lot warmer... but I can sacrifice that for a little taste of Washington goodness.

Great story... more like lesson I learned: We did divisions this week. Divisions are when two priesthood holders go out with us and we "divide" ourselves and double the work. We try to do it at least once a week... this week we did it TWICE!!!! Anyway, we went out with a return missionary named Mariano Mariani. One of my favorite people here on the mission. He is currently working as a pizza delivery man on his motorcycle. So, he brought his motorcycle to divisions. We got out late and had a million things to do. So he was just like, "Dude, let’s just go on the motorcycle. It will be way easier that way." I didn't really have time to consider everything and trusted in this return missionaries knowledge of the rules. It wasn't until we got back to the apartment and asked the Zone Leaders about it that I found it we can’t do that. ANYWAY, since then I have repented and will never do it again... but: IT WAS A BLAST! I have spent very little time on a motorcycle in my days, but it was amazingly fast and efficient. Personally I think every missionary COULD profit from one. (Now is the time where you pause and imagine Elder Steinkuhler riding on the back of a red motorcycle in the dead of winter... :D)

Another cool thing for Melanie... We found an inactive member who works as a barber. He was giving us a reference one day and when we passed by his shop he was sitting there practicing how to put in extensions. He taught me and... I´m now a pro. Too bad I have no reason to use it during the mission. He also cut my hair (which looks good) and with this extreme cold, I'm regretting cutting is so short. But all the same, I look styling.

I would like to thank Sister Ranck and Jamo for sending me that cookie recipe. We have done them a few times during the week and I’m sure I’ve gained 10 pounds. We also did a fudge pie thing... another 10 pounds. But people here have never had them and love them. Needless to say, I need to cut back on the sweats.

Today we got together as a Zone (we just split our zone, so we are only 10 elders). We played Mafia. For those of you who know how it is... imagine it in Spanish. WAY FUN! And we ate cookies (thanks again Ranck Family). One of the coolest parts is that we had two members come along as well. One is just now reactivating himself. All 4 elders in our pench have been working with him and he is progressing amazingly. He came and loved the game... we should be doing a Family Home Evening with his family tomorrow... playing Mafia. Cool, eh? We are also planning on doing an activity in a few weeks with the two branches around here. We want to do bobbing for apples... does anyone have any other cool USA activities like that?

As for everything else... it`ll have to wait for later. Until that day, stay safe and do well. I know I am.

All my love,

PS I’m sorry there was nothing spiritual in this letter. I’ve realized the worth of spiritual stories. I try to only send them when I feel like someone needs one. But needless to say, they happen.

PPS For all of you who know me well and advised me in this before the mission... I will admit to you all: I really miss video games and movies. HAHAHA

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