Monday, June 8, 2009

Crazy changes are happening to me on all fronts.

Well, things have changed! Transfers were today... and things have really spun me for a loop. I am still in Villa Zula... but now I am with Elder Villagra... a Latin (more about this later).

Ill be honest, I will miss Elder Kushlan very much. But I already love Elder Villagra... we are going to be tearing this place up.

But wait... that is not all. BOTH elders from Berisso (the other elders in the apartment) are leaving as well (Elder Trujillo will train them in the area for a week). The Zone Leaders will be coming in into a "white wash". It is something crazy that happened here... but Ill grow to like it. I feel like I need to be even more of a straight arrow. BUT WAIT!!! THERE IS MORE?!?!?!

Every transfer the President of the mission goes out with ONE companionship for one day. There are about 100 some odd companionships of elders in the mission. So we all have about a one in one hundred chance of getting a full day inspection with the president. Well... yup, turns out 1/100 is a lot smaller for me. I had 16 chances at getting my name picked... and today it got picked. Naw... really I’m excited about it. It should be really cool. I just hope he doesn’t send me home or something.

SO, about this Elder Villagra. He and I have something HUGE in common. I started the mission in El Cruce. Three transfers later I left for Villa Zula... this place. When I left my ex-companion trained a new missionary... by the name of ELDER VILLAGRA! Who just happens to be from Cordoba... the same as the elder who trained me (elder Sagripanti). Well, now 3 transfers have passed again... and the same Elder Villagra shows up on my door step. He filled me all in about El Cruce and all the people he baptized. About 10 people had been baptized during his time there... and EVERY SINGLE ONE was someone I found and taught. None of you can know how much joy that has brought my soul. So much has happened, and I am happier than ever.

Not much has happened this last week. Sorry to make things really boring. But I’ve just been working a lot here. I feel more at home here than anywhere else. I’m just going to try and be the best missionary possible. I feel like the Lord is asking a lot of me right now... and I have it in me to give it. But that I won’t if I don’t work my tail off. I’m in the same apartment as the leaders here. I’m senior companion to a Latin. The President is coming to watch us. I’m in the most dead area of the mission (I bet you didn’t know that). Crazy changes are happening to me on all fronts. I’m happier than ever and also more focused than ever.

Thank you all for keeping me up to date on home life. You all keep me sane... and help me practice my English. I miss you all terribly. Ill fill you all in about all the details in about a year. Until then take care and don’t let the cold get to you.

Love you all,

PS I got bite by a dog for the first time. Nothing happened... my leg was too big for it to even get its teeth around... oops. It was also a members dog... so I didn’t do anything.

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