Monday, June 15, 2009

I ate more wax

Hey everyone, sorry this will be another short one. This week has been wonderfully full. We worked our tails off and have seen the rewards. Elder Villagra is an amazing elder. He has less time than I do… but is teaching me more than any other companion I’ve had.
Some cool things that have happened to me this week are:

We took out 3 baptismal dates this week. A young couple I’ve taught for some time. And a man who has been taught for about 2 years off and on... and need to get married. It was an amazingly hard week, but with lots of blessings. Having the Zone Leaders in the apartment is amazing. I love seeing their examples all the time. They have helped me become a better missionary. We also had Elder Trujillo in the apartment this week. He left this morning and I’m man enough to say... I’ll miss him. He was never my companion, but I feel as close to him as I do a brother. He has helped me a lot as well. Yup, now that I’m writing it I realize how much I suck on my own... I’m glad I’ve got people to help me on the mission.

This Wednesday was my birthday (don’t worry if you forgot, no biggy). We had a wonderfully hard working day. Elder Trujillo came with us in a companionship of three. With three missionaries we were able to break even the hardest of cold hearts. A wonderful return missionary here made me a cake. It looked like a $100 professional cake. So I asked where he got it and he was all like "oh, I baked it". WOW!!! Then that night the other 4 elders in the apartment made me a "cake" out of an alfejor. It is a tinny little chocolate cup-cake thing they sell around here. ANYWAY, they ended up getting all 21 candles on it. GOOD TIMES! I think I ate more wax than chocolate though.

Today we spent all morning cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. Elder Audukiaus (spelling?) from the seventy is coming this Wednesday. He will be inspecting the missionary apartments (or at least a few). So I cleaned up as much as I could today. It is also a holiday down here... so basically everything is closed and no one wants to hear from us. But the work goes on and God provides a way. We are seeing some real progress in this area right now. I cannot tell you all how excited I am to see this kind of progress going on. I’m sure that my current hair loss issue is due to the "strain of being a missionary" problem going on around the world. All well, I’ve always wanted to be bald anyway.

It is getting rather cold down here and dark rather early. Winter will start Sunday of this week. It is weird to think that everyone is about to go on summer break back at home... and here we are hoping for it to snow this year. All well... what can you do?

Well, Happy Father`s Day all you fathers... especially you Daddy and David... and Ryan and Jonathan and Aaron... and so many more. I’m glad you`re out there fighting the other good fight.

Well, I’m out of time. Hope everyone is doing wonderfully. I’ll try to send some letters soon. I know I’m terrible at that.

All my love,

Elder T Stein

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