Monday, March 9, 2009

my Mother tells me to "shine"

So this week was CRAZY!!! I want to tell you all about it... but I’m on intercambios and REALLY short on time. I did manage to get a lot of pictures up from this week. So, check them out... hopefully they will make up for my shortened time. I might have time to write tomorrow because I’m not using all my time today and my companion will be needing to use the Internet tomorrow because he is in Buenos Aires currently. ANYWAY... Some big points:

Summer break just ended down here... so everyone started back up at school. Here that means there are a ton of little kids and teenagers going around in white clothes. It kind of looks like little doctors going around everywhere... but I like it. I think it is both funny and cool. It also reminds me of Harry Potter a little bit.

We did end up going to the Capilla or church building here in La Plata. It is a HUGE Catholic chapel. We got the tour and everything. I loved it and actually was very impressed. It reminded me of the dedication early pioneers had for their temples... that so often got burnt down. This chapel was quite interesting and I ended up taking like 30-50 pictures. I feel like I’m turning into my Mother. Perhaps I’ll send more some other time.

There are also pictures of a man in our ward, Brother Huarte. The first time I walked into the building people started telling me I looked like him. So, I ended up getting over to his house (he hasn’t yet been to church since I’ve been here) and taking photos. He reminds me a lot of Grandpa and looks a lot like me. I also got some photos of his younger self. I think without the whole chin clef, we could pass for twins... if we were the same age.

Uncle Huarte when he was my age

Uncle Huarte .. or me in 50 years

A lot of people make frequent mention to my smile. Why, I don’t know. But they do. I started taking notice of it. I think my Mother tells me to "shine" every time I hear from her. So I just smile and hope I’ve brushed my teeth recently. I love to smile and my companion rarely cracks a grin. ANYWAY... this is all leading up to a story that I want to tell... because I haven’t been keeping you all up on the Spiritual part of my Spiritual 2 years. So, here is a wonderful story for you all...

We recently went to a member who hadn’t been to church in a long time. He was the only member of his household and so we ended up teaching the entire family. They loved it and asked us to come back. We were passing by before our next appointment because some other menos active (less active) families live on that block. We passed by the corner as normal and I felt the odd feeling to talk to them... as normal. But I saw the beer and decided to keep on our way. We ended up clapping like 3 houses within 50 yards and getting rejected 3 times in 50 yards. We normally only do one clap per street... so we were leaving the street the way we came and ended up passing by the same house. I wanted to talk to them really bad and glanced over at them... with a huge smile. I slowed my pace a bit and nodded (as is my custom). Someone blurted out something and I stopped... I was really only looking for an excuse to stop. My companion was just following me around, so he stopped also. We ended up standing there for about an hour and a half (not normal) talking to this family of 7 adults and about 10 kids. They were rather loopy drunk seeming at first. But really wanted to know what we had. They ended up not actually being drunk (but yes, drinking) and after teaching/talking to them for over an hour and a half... they invited us into their yard and we had about a 30 minute discussion from the scriptures.

All of them started out with the mind-set that if we had ever clapped their house... they wouldn’t even come out (they straight up told us). After finding out we were normal and interesting... they listened. Then the Spirit touched them and they invited us back. I love how the Spirit changes people. ANYWAY, we ended up teaching them Lesson 1, 2 and 3... along with 10 commandments, Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity and "O.L.A." (Orar, Leer and Asistir). We never do that... but they wouldn’t let us go and wouldn’t stop asking questions. We`ll go over it all again because we didn’t challenge them to any of it. But they all know the principles and promises. Oh, I did very much enjoy that night. They even asked to take pictures with us.

There is a little Spiritual blup for the week.

Okay, I’m off... Next week is transfers, so I’ll have a new companion for sure (mine is going home). I love hearing about all the news out there. All my pregnant/new parents/recently wed/recently engaged friends. You`re all so wonderful.

"I’m doing good. I’ll write more later. Write me. Love, The Elder"

Take... luck.

All my love,


I've turned British ... when I finally learned to smoke a pipe.

GIANT Empenada!

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