Monday, February 23, 2009

Week XYZ

I realized something this week. The mission is exactly like life. Like this life that we are living. I'm confusing myself. Let me explain:

When we lived with our Heavenly Father before this life, he proposed a plan for us. We either decided to go, or not. We knew that there would be problems and difficulties, but we also knew that the blessings where much greater than the problems. So we all decided to go. So God sent us to this life... into families and around groups of people we call friends. Now that we are here on the Earth, we have one huge desire... get back home. We all want to have fun in this life, but really... we want to return home. Home being defined as a set place, with people you know and love. You know these people love you more than anything and you feel safe there. Eventually we all will return to this "home", but how we are received really all depends on our conduct here.
The mission is just like that. We missionaries volunteer to come on an adventure that is both hard and rewarding. We are sent into "families" or zones where we get to know other missionaries like us (SOME elders even use terms like "Papi" or "father" for a missionary´s trainer). We are tempted with "worldly" things. And eventually we all come home to our families and friends. But really, we are only received well if we act well.

I never really understood that until this week. All the sudden my desire to return to my Father in Heaven became so real. I have such a longing for home, for family and friends. I admit I miss people and activities terribly. But when I look at it, I would not trade this experience for anything. Just like with our Heavenly Father`s plan. I would never have had this opportunity to grow and receive a body if it was not for the "opposition" we go though here in our lives on the Earth. I can now compare the longing for my Earthly home... to that of my Heavenly one. That has really given me all the desire I need to act my best here and forever. I believe that if you think about it, there is something you can relate to in your life that is like this. How do you miss your Heavenly Father`s presence? I cannot wait to see him again.

Well, I just thought I`d share that with you all... my little revelation of the day. It is amazing what God teaches you when you are listening. But it is hilarious what God makes you find out when you are looking for it. For example, does anyone understand the Biblical meaning of Honey/bees/Deseret? What about Dragons/magic? Or how about hair... especially the length of it (see Samson)? I’ve been paying attention to these things as I’ve studied and can’t figure them out. Anyone have a little help? I can send some great scripture references if anyone wants to look into it... just ask.

That reminds me, my scripture reference this week is: Moroni 7:40-44 and 33. This is really where it all starts. I taught a less active family with these scriptures this week. The Spirit was strong and we all felt the need to increase our "esperanza"... All good comes from that one thing. Por que Dios es esperanza. Sin Dios... somos nada. Entonces... ¿Vas a ingresar tu esperanza? ¡Yo sí!

Last week I got a few rebukes because I explained my Spanish as being fairly low. Well, it is. But I can communicate. So although I will not change what I said... please know that I am doing well with the language. I'm learning a lot every day. Don't worry.

I’ve got a lot of time... so, sad story time. On Wednesday of this week, we returned to a contact we did and she welcomed us in. She and her husband had taken the lessons before, but were dropped by the other missionaries for no reason. They have 4 daughters and are really intelligent. We taught the mother all of lesson 1 and she was GOLDEN! Right as we were finishing up, the husband walks in. We invite him to listen also and he sits down. We testify and close the lesson with a challenge to read the Book of Mormon and Pray. The husband downright tells us we are wrong and won’t read. The wife then tells us that if her husband isn't going to do it, she better not. After a few minutes of clarifying things, we leave without Book of Mormon with no hopes of returning. We basically find an entire family just to see them reject God "because of the traditions of their fathers". You may all be wondering why I am telling you all this really sad story and asking yourselves if I’ve gone crazy by now. The truth is I am crazy, but that`s another subject. If you are an abide reader of mine, you might remember that I often challenge people to go out and do something new. Perhaps it`s to go tell someone you love them, or compliment that person who looks down today. I do that and I challenge you all because if we only stick to what we are comfortable with, all of us will turn into hard hearted, tradition following people. So I challenge you all again... today. Go out and do that little something extra for that person... you know the one. Yeah, them. The one the Spirit has been telling you that they need help. Please, go out of your way to apologize and make amends. Today is a wonderful time to do it. So why not go to it. Don't worry, I'm right behind you.

I don't want to end on a low note... so here is a fun story. Today we worked about 95% of the day. We found a really cool guy and his family. That is why I'm doing everything so late today. I’ll also be finishing up a little more tomorrow because we didn't actually take our Preparation Day yesterday. So everyone who didn't get replied to, don't worry... I still have 30 minutes tomorrow to reply to you all. Sorry I'm so slow. ANYWAY, we found this guy. My companion knew him before I got here because he owns a local gym here that the other Elders would get their Protein Powder from. We found out he lives in our area and ran into him one day. He told us to swing by the gym and we would talk. We did and he invited us to come over for lunch... Elders never turn down food, so today we went. They already had a Book of Mormon and he told us he was looking for something spiritual in his life. After teaching lesson one he told us to come by the gym tonight and he would teach us some workouts. I am about dead right now and can barely lift my arms. He`s going to continue to help us until we are as good looking as he is. Oh, one thing you have to understand is that he is basically a cover boy for a muscle magazine. He and his family are the most fit people I’ve probably ever seen, and the kindest. What a wonderful day if you ask me.

Anyway, I’m off and MIGHT send something tomorrow... pray for it. Until then, don’t fall into a ditch.

All my love,

Elder Tommy Steinkuhler

PS I’ve got some requests... like always. I think that I just never run out of things I miss. Can people send me some pictures of themselves to put in my photos? Mine are somewhat old and I'm always looking for good photos.

PPS I know this isn't really a letter, but I love PSs

PPPS As an update, I’ve been in 80º weather since about June of last year. So as of today, I will complete about 8 months of straight heat... on the average of 80º every day. We`re ALMOST into Fall... I can`t wait!

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