Friday, August 29, 2008

Conjigating while talking is basically impossible if you want to NOT sound like a fool.

I THINK Ive answered all of everyones questions. I could quite possibly be wrong because I am sort of rushed. By the time I print off the e-mails and then get to writting it is only like 22 minutes of my 30!!! Can you believe that. Sorry, but all you people get is 22 minutes of my week. Stinketh to be yousa.

So, Familia and Amigos,

This week has been really amazing. There was a huge spiritual experience this week. But to understand... let me explain what we've been doing in class. There is one chapter in Preach My Gospel that talks about the Holy Ghost. It helps us understand how it comes and how to use it and what it is... All that good stuff. Well, it has been taught to us by at least one teacher ever day... since probably 2 weeks ago. So, we've decided it's imortant. Okay, we already knew that.
Well, on Sunday we had a great devotional by Steven Allen. He gave a great devotional about following the Spirit and how it works. My companion took that to heart and ended up having a long indept conversation about the Spirit. We concluded that to feel the Spirit more, we would give eachother a blessing of comfort the next night... So on Monday night after FHE, we went to our room and gave eachother blessings. For those of you who know what that is, you may understand how nervous my companion was because it was his first time. I was also anxious. But the blessings flew from our mouths. Both of us gave a blessing though the Spirit that was directed towards the needs of the other person. When we talked afterwards, we shared that we had both given the other person direction in exactly the way needed.

Okay, that said... Let me move onto something that will REALLY keep your attention. My life: Just kidding. Actually, I want to thank all of you who have sent me letters and/or packages. It is impossible to describe how much it means to us here in the MTC. And let me tell you how much weight my companion has gained... but not me. Actually almost everyone in our District has gained 15 pounds. BUT not me! :)

Well, my spanish is coming along. Im actually making headway this week. Which is good, because from now on we teach only in Spanish. We've been doing days where we speak only in Spanish and things like that. It's really hard. But since half our district left a week or two ago, we have become more focused and directed in out learning. It is sad that they left, but it has really helped me learn. I know my companion and I are really grateful because we feel we are so behind the rest of our district in Spanish. We can teach lessons 1 and 2 really well. Even parts of 3 and 4. But ONLY in English. The Spanish teaching is so hard. We just started. Although we know most of the words and concpets, putting them all together is really hard. Conjigating while talking is basically impossible if you want to NOT sound like a fool. But fortunately, Im use to that. So, it's all good.

Well, the sewing has continued. Ive fixed more ties, shirt pockets, buttons, ect. I actually have a friend who ripped his jeans down the crotch, so Ill be working on that this week. It's amazing how long people make things last out here. Everything has to last 2 years... even 4 year old jeans.

WOW, 5 minutes!!! At 5 minutes it starts flashing every second. And this warning comes up on the monitor that makes you take time to get rid of. Who ever thought up that was brilliant. THINK THINK THINK! So, I hear that the blog is popular and that someone in Denver is checking it out... who are you?! Actually, I think that is way cool. I love how so many people support us missionaries.

I dont know what else to say. I think I look more and more like a missionary every day. Meaning more and more tired and more and more worn in. But happier by the second.
Well, sorry to all of you who I dont get to write today. We learned this week that we are suppose to only write on Fridays, which are our p-days. So... sorry if I dont have time.

Also, we are not suppose to meet people when we go to the temple... but someone asked... so because of James 1:5... I go to the temple on Fridays at about 8 30, eat breakfast and leave about 11 30. But, dont meet me there or God will strick us with lightning.
Well, I love you all and miss you all terribly. But I am really so happy here and love doing what I am doing. There is nothing else like it in the world. 30 seconds....

I love you all again... see ya soon.
Tommy Steinkuhler

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