Monday, March 2, 2009


Berisso y Villa Zula Pinch-Mates

So, this week is not that exciting to report on. We had a lot more success this week than normal. I started focusing on contacts while we traveled. We found a few golden people and ended up teaching a lot more lessons this week then last. We also did intercambios (companion exchanges). I went to another area with this really cool Elder named Elder Mason. We had a grand old time and got a lot of work down. It is really fun to work outside your area... because you feel like you can make a fool of yourself and by tomorrow it doesn't matter. So you try to talk to more and more people. You get out of your comfort zone more. It`s crazy. I love it.

We also had interviews after intercambios. The President (Presidente Asay) gave me some good advice and helped me redirect my path. Every once and awhile I feel like sliding around... finding cracks. It is great to have someone help you find the center again. Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not like sneaking out at night or anything. I just hadn't realized how much power I had as a junior companion. I believe that because of his direction, we`ve been having more success. President Asay also approved our area for bikes. So we might be going out to buy bikes soon. Our area is HUGE and goes all the way to a giant river... which then runs into the ocean. I looked at a map recently and realized how close we are to the ocean. Look up Berisso on a map and you`ll basically see where we are. If you`re bored or something.

After the interviews were over, the President came up to me... pointed at my companions hair and said "to here Elder... by tonight". So we went home to our citas (appointments). We just happened to have a cita with a member who cuts hair. She lent us her buzzers and that night I cut my companions hair (see photos). When he took off his shirt and I told him I couldn’t cut his hair with all his back hair staring at me. So I shaved his back too. That was a pretty fun night. He said he really liked his haircut and that it was the best he`d had in a long time. I think people in Argentina don’t really know how to cut hair like a missionary. So, maybe I’ll get a job or something doing this... who knows. All I can say is... Thank you Melanie!

The weather has been REALLY weird here. We have some of the hottest days... followed by some of the loudest thunder I’ve ever heard. Saturday night we all got woken up by what sounded like Cannons going off in our bedroom. It`s funny because I miss the rain a LOT... but my companion hates it. All well, at least I get to enjoy myself sometimes.

Um, I’m sorry this is so lame... but I don’t really know what else to say. This week wasn’t really that cool. I’ve been studying the scriptures more and more. I’m still trying to understand the importance of Hair and Honey. They get connected in a few spots too. In Isaiah 7 and the story of Samson. Anyone got anything good for me?

Hey, a little side note... if you are going to send me a package... which I LOVE!!! I need you to send it Express. Otherwise bad things happen and it just makes things... difficult. Thanks.

Um, I guess that is about it. I’ll take off now and leave you to your thoughts. Sorry I’m so boring. Today we should be going to the GIANT CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL! Hope for pictures.

I love you all. Thanks for all the prayers and love. I’ll be home soon... I’ve just got a few more things to do here.

All my love,

PS The church really is the only thing that brings peace. I’ve learned that this week.

This is what you call a Villa

This is what you call Crazy

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