Monday, February 16, 2009


¡Hola Mundo!

So, I’ve got some stuff written down because I always forget. So this might sound random... but I thought I’d send you some random information.

-My new area has sea shells EVERYWHERE! They are basically used like gravel. The little tiny ones. There are actually trails made out of sea shells. And they do that because it is like cheep or something. I don't get it.

-Last week I ate cow tongue and yesterday I ate cow intestines. The tongue wasn't so bad... but the intestines tasted like... intestines. Well, at least they felt like it in my mouth. Okay, I'm done.

-Favor! Can Brother Bush send me those songs of his... well, at least the lyrics. That way I can sing them here. His "worldly songs" with church lyrics... please.

-There is a song that Aaron my brother-in-law showed me. When you receive it they call it being "Rick Rolled". That song is REALLY popular down here. People sing it all the time. "Never gonna let you go... never gonna..." Yes, in English.

OKAY: Now onto the very boring week I had. There was one really exciting thing about this week. I got to take out a baptismal date for someone. I did it all by myself again. It feels so good doing that. We also did divisions. That feels good to. It is so wonderful getting the members involved. Our branch is really weird. There are about 16 regulars to church. The Branch President is active in his calling, but can’t come to church because of work. His second councilor is also inactive. So we spend a lot of time going by their houses and trying to help them feel the same spirit they felt when they were converted. One of the biggest factors is the Book of Mormon. If they at one point knew the Book of Mormon is true. All they need to know is that it STILL IS TRUE! Therefore they STILL need to come to church. I admit I don`t like calling people to repentance, but we`ve got to do it.

My companion took off to another area yesterday with another Elder. So I am with that other Elder`s companion. He came to the mission with me, but is from Chili. So he and I have fun getting along and communicating. It really isn't that hard... but my brain starts to turn off after about 12 hours of only Spanish. I believe I’ll be put with another Latin soon, but this time, they won’t speak English (my trainer is Latin). He`ll be coming back today. So even though it wasn't a very long time with a Latin, it still was a good training experience.

Oh, hey... our Fecha. Oh, I don't remember if I told you this... but our area is kind of dead. So having a fecha is HUGE! She is a daughter of a very lovely member. The mother is faithful, and the daughter is strong minded. She likes to swear and is learning English. So she likes to swear in English. I don't know why but she has respect for me. So I asked her to stop and she basically did. Later I told her she needed to be baptized and she listened to me. It is WONDERFUL! We`ll see.

Funny thing:

Yesterday we came back to the pinch and saw the other two elders standing outside. We soon found out that the lock didn't work... so the owner of the apartment helped us break in by climbing over his wall... This morning we got out the same way. I hope things will be fixed by the time we get home.

Well, I’d better go. I hope all is well and all feel the love of the gospel. I miss you all and would really like some photos if anyone has them. The ones I have are getting old. We show them to basically every family we meet. So, some new ones would be SUPERB! Anyway... Ill write again next week. Take care everyone.

All my love,

Elder Tommy Steinkuhler

PS I hope Valentine’s Day was wonderful as well as Friday the 13th.

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